2019 Foreword. Isabelle Petitjean, La Couleur de Michael Jackson (Paris, France: Delatour)
2019 Translation. Isabelle Petitjean, The Voice of Michael Jackson (Paris, France: Delatour)
2019 Podcast. “Paris Noir: The African American History of Paris,” in FrancoFiles (Washington, DC: The Cultural Services of the Embassy of France)
2018 Encyclopedia Entry. “Gay Latino Alliance,” Global Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History (Boston, MA: Cengage).
2014 Book Review. Elizabeth Schroeder Schlabach Along the Streets of Bronzeville: Black Chicago's Literary Landscape, in History: Reviews of New Books, 43:2, 69-70.
2012 Article. “Constructing Black Homosexuality on Chicago's South Side: The Black Press, Queer Identities, and the Civil Rights Movement, 1950-1965,” Windy City Times.
2012 Article. “Being Black and Queer in 1940s Bronzeville: Race, Class and Queer Identities in Black Chicago, 1940-1950,” Windy City Times.
2012 Article. “The Emergence of African-American Queer Cultures on Chicago's South Side, 1920-1940,” Windy City Times.
2012 Article. “Queer Bronzeville: African American LGBTs On Chicago’s South Side, 1920-1940,” Huffington Post[Recipient of the Esteem Award for Outstanding Newspaper Reporter/Columnist or Feature Article]
2011 Article. “Homosexuality, Urban Boundaries and Culture in Black Chicago: A Short History of African American Queers in Chicago, 1935-1985,” in Sexuality and Gender: A One-Day Interdisciplinary Symposium(Chicago, IL: DePaul Humanities Center).
2009 Encyclopedia Article. “The LGBT Movement in the United States,” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500 to Present, Emmanuel Ness, ed. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing).
2009 Encyclopedia Entry. “Blacks in Contemporary European Pop Music” in The Encyclopedia of Blacks in European History and Culture, Eric Martone, ed. (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group)
2009 Encyclopedia Entry. “Trevor McDonald” in The Encyclopedia of Blacks in European History and Culture, Eric Martone, ed. (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group)
2009 Encyclopedia Entry. “Bruce Oldfield” in The Encyclopedia of Blacks in European History and Culture, Eric Martone, ed. (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group)
2009 Book review. E. Patrick Johnson, “Sweet Tea: Black Gay Men of the South, An Oral History” in Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender History Newsletter, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2-3
2008 Article. “Dissidence and Urban Boundaries: The Making of an African American Gay Community in Bronzeville,” in Dissidence et Identités Plurielles, Jean Paul Rocchi, ed. (Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Nancy)
2008 Digital History Exhibit. “Queer Bronzeville: The History of African American Gays and Lesbians on Chicago’s South Side, 1885-1985,” an OutHistory Exhibit, 20 entries, 100 historical documents, Scholarly Introduction and Bibliography, www.outhistory.org, The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.